A20 - 03
Ontologies and Genealogy
Design Question
How can one look at the idea of a museum in rural area? Can it be less traditional, more user-friendly, more about a whole new experience for the community? What factors will one have to consider when building this in a space where the initial idea of museum is not very clear? How can we look at an industrial space as a museum in the rural area?
Design Intension
The intervension is a juxtaposition of agricultural and industrial sector . Breaking the usual margin of an industrial space by bringing in an idea of public space into the factory. To engage with the landscape and fauna on entering an industrial space which merges with the surrounding structure.
Site Analysis

Site Plan

Site Section
Museum Of?
Industrial history of the Sugar Factory, Agricultural heritage of Sangamner


Zoomed in site plan showing the existing building and context around
Museum As?
The museum is looking at the idea of juxtaposition between spaces. Museum is structured as a factory or industrial warehouse and the courtyard space is a contrast to the industrial structure.
Design diagrams

Existing Structure
Initial iterations
Design Process


Design Plan

Cut plans


Sectional perspective

Overall Design